Free Consultations 209.529.7406

Traffic Ticket Violations Lawyer Traffic Ticket - Violations Attorney

Speeding Ticket Violations 

Commercial Driver and Class A help!

See Common Traffic Violations 

 Click here for DUI Info 

Our traffic citations lawyer can help your with the following: 

Red Light

Wrong Lane

Cell Phone

Misdemeanor Violations

Call today for a free consultation! 

Save your license and keep your job! 

The cost of a traffic ticket lawyer varies but our office actually goes to court for you and we don't engage in gimmicks. Our traffic ticket fees range from $300 to $800 depending on the situation. The average cost is probably $400.00 with our office. 

Scott Mitchell is a traffic attorney and speeding ticket lawyer who services Stanislaus County, Modesto, Merced, Tuolumne, Fresno, Stockton, Sacramento and surrounding areas. 

Fees and Payments

Here at Scott Mitchell Law Incorporated, when it comes to fees and payments, we strive to be flexible with clients who are seeking legal representation. We offer payment arrangements, flat fee contracts, and traditional retainer agreements. We understand legal representation is necessary for all, and yet difficult for most to pay the fees all at once. Although we cannot guarantee that everyone will be able to hire us, we do promise to do what we can to make it possible for you to hire one of our attorneys to represent you.
